8 Things You Didn’t Know About Kelly Rizzo

Kelly Rizzo is an actress, television host, radio contributor, and food and travel blogger from the United States. She is best known for being the host of the web series Eat Travel Rock. She was the wife of Bob Saget, an American stand-up comedian, actor, and television host. Her husband, however, died recently. And the actress is coping with the death of her late husband, Bob Saget. We’re sure that after hearing this heartbreaking news, you’re curious to learn more about this talented individual. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of previously unknown facts for you below.
Kelly Rizzo
Kelly Rizzo

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Kelly Rizzo

1. Initial Career

Rizzo began her career in the real estate industry after graduating from college, where her family also owned a business.

2. Her Best Show Started Out As a Blog

Most people are familiar with Eat Travel Rock as a web series. It did, however, begin as a blog, which is still active today. Having said that, the blog is only one aspect of Rizzo’s online presence. [1]

3. Travel Queen

Michigan Avenue Magazine named Rizzo Travel Queen in 2017. For those who are unfamiliar with the name, it is a publication that specializes in catering to upscale readers, making it a valuable resource for businesses interested in marketing to said clientele. [2]
Kelly While travelling
Kelly While traveling

4. How She Met Bob Saget

Rizzo met Bob Saget through a mutual friend in 2015. Rizzo has shared numerous posts and photos about their relationship on her social media accounts since then, which has been fueled by their affection for one another as well as their shared interests.
Kellly With Bob Saget
Kelly With Bob Saget

5. Her Husband Have Her A Diamond Ring

One of Rizzo’s posts shows her showing off the diamond ring that symbolizes her engagement while eating oysters, which gave her the perfect opportunity to make a joke about not needing pearls when she has the ring.

6. Frequently Mocked For Being Younger Than Her Husband

The blogger and the late comedian were 23 years apart in age, but neither was bothered by the age difference. [3]

7. She Can Play Guitar

In a lengthy Instagram post in 2019, the music enthusiast described her “deep desire” to learn the instrument. In which she is seen playing the guitar.
kelly with a guitar
kelly with a guitar

8. Didn’t Want To Expand Her Family

Following their 2018 wedding, Rizzo and Saget were adamant about not expanding their family. As a result, the couple had no children.


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