8 Things You Didn’t Know About Brad Dourif

Brad Dourif is an American actor who was born on March 18, 1950. Dourif was born on March 18, 1950, in Huntington, West Virginia, to Joan Mavis Felton, an actress, and Jean Henri Dourif, an art collector who owned and operated a dye factory.

You may be familiar with Brad Dourif from his acting career, but there is more to his life as you will discover from the following facts.

Brad Dourif
Brad Dourif

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Brad Dourif

1. He Prefers Doing Movie Roles

Brad has had the opportunity to act on the big, little, and stage screens throughout his career. Many actors who have had comparable situations say they don’t prefer one over the other, but Brad clearly favours film jobs.

2. Nominated For An Oscar

An Academy Award is one of the top awards in the entertainment world, and Brad came close to receiving one early in his career. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his part in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. He was also nominated for Golden Globes and BAFTAs for his performance. [1]

3. Teacher At Columbia University

Brad enjoys performing, but he also enjoys sharing his knowledge with others. Dourif taught at Columbia University in New York City during the start of his career. He did a lot of theatre work while working in the city. He eventually migrated to Los Angeles to concentrate on his acting career. [2]

4. Also A Voice Actor

Brad has used his voice acting skills more than once, not just as Chucky. Over his career, he has also played various video game characters. In the 2001 game Myst III: Exile, he played the character Saavedro. His most recent video game cameo was in Dishonored, which was released in 2012. [3]

5. His Daughter Is A Talented Actress

Fiona, Brad’s daughter, has chosen to follow in her father’s footsteps. She is a talented actress who has established herself in the field. She’s even had the opportunity to work with her father. In Curse of Chucky and Cult of Chucky, Fiona portrayed Nica Pierce. [4]

Brad Dourif with his daughter
Brad Dourif with his daughter

6. He Is Originally From West Virginia

Many people are under the misconception that Brad is British for some reason. This could be due to his BAFTA nomination or his character in Lord of the Rings having a strong British accent. Brad, on the other hand, is originally from West Virginia. [5]

7. His Inspiration

Brad and Fiona are not the only members of the Dourif family who like acting. Brad’s mother was also an actor, albeit she does not appear in any TV episodes or films. She was one of his earliest and most significant influences on his decision to pursue acting and the craft of storytelling.

8. He Has Made A Living Out Of Playing Bad Guy

Brad has made a career out of playing the evil guy, but this has had an affect on him. He is aware that he can play other types of roles and declares, “I’ve told my agents “I’m done with bad men.” I’ve turned down more opportunities than you can imagineā€¦”

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